There's no way of sitting back and taking a breather when it comes down to the management of the administration of a WordPress website. After you've done the effort to create it there's still a lot to do to keep it running. The...
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Common Problems
WordPress Conflicts with Plugins How to Identify the Cause, Troubleshoot, and Fix These After WordPress Optimization
Conflicts. WordPress plugins are extremely beneficial tools. They can help improve the functionality of your site and allow you to personalize it so you can reach the objectives you've set. However, due in the fact that WordPress...
5 WordPress Problem Solved Step by Step (2022)
WordPress is a comprehensive platform that is user-friendly and is popular with novice and experienced users. It is, however, WordPress is far from ideal and people often make issues when creating their perfect website. If you're...
How to Avoid the risk of DDoS attack on your WordPress Website (6 Important Tips)
Usually, an increase in traffic to your website is an ideal result for your business. But, you might not expect your website to be overrun by thousands of simultaneous requests, leading it to fail. This indeed is what happens...
2-Min Solution: “Your PHP Installation Appears to Be Missing the MySQL Extension Which WordPress Optimization requires.”
After All, WordPress is a remarkably robust and reliable platform to manage your website. But, it's not free of fault. There are several frequent errors and problems that you may encounter, for instance, "Your PHP installation...
How to fix “Upload: failed to write file to disk” Error In WordPress After Website Optimization?
In this tutorial, I will be sharing with you how to fix “upload: failed to write file to disk” error in WordPress. Now, if you are new to WordPress possibly you have a new web host, or you have a new server. There is a good...
How to Fix WordPress Mixed Content SSL Warnings Before Website Speed Optimization (2022)
Adding Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protection to your website is crucial for protecting users’ private data. However, when integrating SSL certificates, it’s not uncommon to run into issues such as WordPress mixed content warnings....
How To Fix ‘Are You Sure You Want To Do This’ Error In WordPress After Speed Optimization?
Given the nature of WordPress CMS, there are plenty of technical error that keep popping up from time to time and affecting your everyday experience. speed optimization Some of these errors get easily resolved while others give a...
How to Fix ‘Briefly Unavailable for Scheduled Maintenance. Check Back in a Minute’
Most WordPress users who keep up with consistent updates have likely encountered the “Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute” message at least once. However, it can be quite confusing if you’re...
How To Fix WordPress Login Page Refreshing/Redirecting Issue After WordPress Optimization?
At times while you’re working on the WordPress platform, you may come across a strange error which creates issues whenever you try to log in and redirects you back to the login page. This error, often known as the WordPress login page refreshing/redirecting issue, is...
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WordPress Security Patches: How to Prepare For Them (2022)
There's no way of sitting back and taking a breather when it comes down to the management of the administration of a WordPress website. After you've done the effort to create it there's still a lot to do to keep it running. The...