You've decided to choose VPS hosting service for the hosting of your WordPress website. A good decision. You'll be able to stay clear of the costs associated with dedicated servers, yet you still benefit from managing your site...
Boost your Website Speed
Month: February 2022
WordPress Speed Tests (6 Testing Tools and Optimization Tips)
It's simple to see how speed of the speed of a WordPress website might slip into the gaps. When a site is being developed it's your primary concern to build it. After that, the site is ready to go live which means security as...
How do I Rebrand the name of a WordPress after Web Speed Optimization
If you own your own business, provide services on a freelance basis. Or have an online blog, you're likely to have a site that you've created to showcase your talents and services. A WordPress website is among the best ways to...
The Ultimate Guide for WordPress Landing Pages for Speed Optimization
One of the significant objectives of many WordPress websites is to increase leads and converts. Landing pages aid in this. However, if you're not familiar with landing pages, you could be confused about what they are and how they...
WordPress Hosting 8 Best Low-cost, Affordable and Managed Solutions Before WordPress Speed Optimization
Did you give thought to the extent that your success with customers' websites is dependent upon the hosting service they make use of? The decision-making process isn't just focused on price. or bandwidth. Or hosting plan type....
How is dealing with this Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak While Doing Website Speed Optimization
Howdy! SDG here. I'd like to personally update the situation of the tempux team and our team amid this worldwide Coronavirus epidemic . We understand that this is a challenging time for many people across the globe, and we know that errors, Downtime, or any other...
WordPress Forum 10 Top Plugins (For Support and More) Before Speed Optimization
There's an ever-growing array of WordPress forum plugins to pick from. If you're still trying to figure out which one you prefer you may have several concerns that hold you from making progress. It makes sense since a lot of...
How to secure the security of a WordPress Website in 7 Easy Steps Following the optimization of your website’s speed
At any moment, your website could be under attack, without even. Bots might be looking over your website pages and trying to discover vulnerabilities to introduce malware or gain access to users' data. It's your responsibility to protect your WordPress website to...
10 Best AdSense Plugins for WordPress After Website Optimization: Make Your First $1 in 10 Minutes 2022
There are numerous ways to make money from your website using AdSense Plugins. Link affiliates to physical items or online classes, selling services, etc. The list is endless. But.... All of these require lots of extra effort....
2-Min Solution: “Your PHP Installation Appears to Be Missing the MySQL Extension Which WordPress Optimization requires.”
After All, WordPress is a remarkably robust and reliable platform to manage your website. But, it's not free of fault. There are several frequent errors and problems that you may encounter, for instance, "Your PHP installation...
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WordPress Security Patches: How to Prepare For Them (2022)
There's no way of sitting back and taking a breather when it comes down to the management of the administration of a WordPress website. After you've done the effort to create it there's still a lot to do to keep it running. The...